The work of transformation

Some thoughts from my work this month of October:
I have worked with NGO leaders, Organisational development practitioners, Students, Lecturers, Educators - the processes I have facilitated have happened in an international school exploring what transformation and diversity means, a course on facilitating transformation in organisations, a university honours course on organisational management,a university first year course on diversity exploring diversity in organisations, a university engineering faculty exploring decolonisation, a corporate investment company diversity training programme.
The work of diversity and transformation whether individual or organisational is a continuous journey that takes one deep within and challenges us to collectively find meaning together.
The work is about the redefining of humanity out of a deeply divided and fragmented, unequal, violent, constrained past to building one that is peaceful, free, whole, equal, connected and coherent.
It is about acknowledging and accepting what has happened and being honest about what we need to process in order to heal, what we need to give up and unlearn, what new learnings need embracing and new skills we need to develop.
This process will need education and conscientising about what needs transforming - there are still people out there who question whether we need transformation, whether it wasn't better in the past and even the word transformation itself engenders fear and uncertainty, there are people who are deeply defensive and in denial, there are people who are apathetic, and there are those who are radical and energised.
A part of the work is about unpacking this term 'TRANSFORMATION' and what it means for us as a country and globally for our planet. The work is about becoming deeply uncomfortable as we become aware of ourselves - our privilege and power, and our internalised dominance and oppression, our internalised racism. A major area is about systemic oppression and understanding that we all play a role in keeping things the way they are or committing to move things forward constructively. This means that we may have to go over old ground and return to certain areas again and again in our quest to work through it and beyond it and carve a new path and way of being together that brings equal opportunities and access in more practical real ways. Bringing people together in conversation is the best way to do this. It is in community that we will find healing and find our deepest sense of self. It is collectively that we will find the solutions within. It will require patience, deep listening, the willingness to be transformed, the commitment to stay with the process and find a role for yourself that is different and useful - working with power differently.
We have now officially moved beyond just diversity training to the real work of transforming systems - this requires us as facilitators to understand how organisational systems work, how power operates and the appropriate responses and interventions that will bring change at every level. This work is emergent and demands us to design tailor made responses as we work with organisations over time. As facilitators we need to be continuously learning and innovating so that our processes remain alive and fresh.

#diversity and transformation facilitator #organisational development practitioner 


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