Confronting the Elephant: The deeper work of diversity and transformation
My previous blog post ended with this paragraph: There are many ways to do diversity work but the real power lies in creating a space for honest conversation and deep listening whether it is in a large group, in smaller groups, pairs or triads. The more we can connect as a society and create spaces to talk the less we will find the need to spew out our hatred on social media! I believe that because we have become a society obsessed with electronic engagement, from email to whatsapp, from facebook to twitter, we are not having real conversations and may even have lost the art of conversation. We hardly make the time to talk to each other even when we work in shared open plan spaces. Without honest face to face conversations our society will remain locked into our frozen perceptions about each other. We need to begin to name every part of the elephant and how it affects everything we do. Have you heard the favourite saying ‘not everything is about race?’ – yes we...