
Showing posts from 2017

Workshop: Leading and Facilitating Transformation in Organisations: 6-8 Dec 2017 (Cape Town)

Purpose of this course:  We are being called upon to transform from the personal to the organizational level – for many this is new territory! For those leading – new ways of being and doing is required. For those facilitating –new approaches and methods are needed. This workshop is about finding a deeper form of engagement with diversity and transformation processes in organisations as well as exploring the inner work required at a personal level. We have to move beyond the rhetoric and ‘just talking about it’. This workshop will emphasize the  doing  of transformation so that any one no matter where they are in an organisational system can initiate change and transformation. Venue: The CDRA Centre ( ) -  52-54 Francis street, Woodstock Dates:  Wednesday 6 Dec  (9.30am – 4.30pm) , Thursday 7 Dec  (9.30am – 4.30pm),  Friday 8 Dec  (9.30am – 1.30 pm) Cost: R3000 per person  To register mail  desireepaul...

The work of transformation

Some thoughts from my work this month of October: I have worked with NGO leaders, Organisational development practitioners, Students, Lecturers, Educators - the processes I have facilitated have happened in an international school exploring what transformation and diversity means, a course on facilitating transformation in organisations, a university honours course on organisational management,a university first year course on diversity exploring diversity in organisations, a university engineering faculty exploring decolonisation, a corporate investment company diversity training programme. The work of diversity and transformation whether individual or organisational is a continuous journey that takes one deep within and challenges us to collectively find meaning together. The work is about the redefining of humanity out of a deeply divided and fragmented, unequal, violent, constrained past to building one that is peaceful, free, whole, equal, connected and coherent. It i...

A new initiative: Africa Spirals of Change

AFRICA SPIRALS OF CHANGE  Africa Spirals of Change contributes to the strengthening and transformation of teams and organisations. We do this by tapping into collective wisdom and courageous integrity assisting them to become more authentic, purposeful and effective in their vision and mission in the world. Our processes revitalize, renew and harness individual and organisational energy, knowledge, expertise and skills from within. This contributes to improving the lives of individuals and organisations on our continent and beyond its borders. AFRICA SPIRALS OF CHANGE Africa Spirals of Change contributes to the strengthening and transformation of teams and organisations. We do this by tapping into collective wisdom and courageous integrity assisting them to become more authentic, purposeful and effective in their vision and mission in the world. Our processes revitalize, renew and harness individual and organisational energy, knowledge, expertise and skills from within....

Confronting the Elephant: The deeper work of diversity and transformation

My previous blog post ended with this paragraph: There are many ways to do diversity work but the real power lies in creating a space for honest conversation and deep listening whether it is in a large group, in smaller groups, pairs or triads. The more we can connect as a society and create spaces to talk the less we will find the need to spew out our hatred on social media! I believe that because we have become a society obsessed with electronic engagement, from email to whatsapp, from facebook to twitter, we are not having real conversations and may even have lost the art of conversation. We hardly make the time to talk to each other even when we work in shared open plan spaces. Without honest face to face conversations our society will remain locked into our frozen perceptions about each other. We need to begin to name every part of the elephant and how it affects everything we do. Have you heard the favourite saying ‘not everything is about race?’ – yes we...